

I`m yusuke sano.

I`m from shizuoka.

My birthday is June 26.

My favorite singer is Linkin park. 

My hobby is fishing and baskerball.

I live in Hirakata.

I went to the high school in Ishikawa Prefecture. Then, I lived in a dormitory. 

I spend it by listening to music on holiday. 

I am not good at English. 

Please teach me. 

Thank you for reading. 


3 件のコメント:

  1. Good evening:)!
    Do you live alone?
    I want to live alone near Hirakata because it takes for me to come to school.
    When I was child,I often used to go fishing with my family.
    Nice to meet you.

  2. Were you already used to live alone?

  3. Now, I live in Hirakata too!
    Last spring, I didn't know how to go through an automatic ticket gate! but now, I know.
